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HR shortages closing St. Marys Memorial Hospital emergency room

The emergency room will close at 5 p.m. on Saturday and reopen Sunday morning at 7 a.m. when 24/7 operations will resume
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance. file photo

Staffing shortages in the emergency department at St. Marys Memorial Hospital have affected emergency room hours. 

The emergency room will close at 5 p.m. on Saturday and reopen Sunday morning at 7 a.m. when 24/7 operations will resume. 

Anyone requiring immediate medical attention should call 9-1-1. Paramedics will remain available to the community and will re-route to the nearest available emergency department to ensure local residents have access to emergency services.

For non-urgent health care, call Health Connect Ontario at 811, which is available 24/7 for non-emergency health related questions. If you have a family doctor, you can also inquire about any same-day  appointments or after-hours clinics.  

The closest 24-hour emergency departments to St. Marys are:

Stratford General Hospital  

Exeter: South Huron Hospital

Ingersoll: Alexandra Hospital

London: LHSC University Hospital or Victoria Hospital  

It is advised to check with these emergency departments before attending to ensure they are operating with regular hours.