Perth County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) want to remind drivers of their responsibility on the roadways, as Canada Road Safety Week and the May long weekend, get underway.
Canada Road Safety Week is a national traffic safety initiative led by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), involving police services across Canada. From May 14-20, 2024, local officers will be participating in this public education and enforcement campaign aimed at enhancing public compliance with traffic laws. The campaign targets behaviours that endanger drivers, passengers, and other road users.
The OPP is dedicated to decreasing traffic-related fatalities and injuries, ensuring the safe arrival of all road users, including drivers, pedestrians, and passengers. Officers from the Perth County OPP Detachment will maintain patrols on local roads to discourage factors that commonly lead to traffic fatalities, such as alcohol/drug-impaired driving, inattentive/distracted driving, speeding, other aggressive driving behaviours, and failure to use seat belts.
During this campaign and throughout the year, drivers should pledge to practice safe, defensive driving and always obey traffic laws. This commitment can significantly reduce preventable road deaths. Passengers and the public can contribute by refusing to tolerate unsafe driving behaviours, acknowledging the serious risks they pose to road users, and discussing safe driving with their families, neighbours, and community members.