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Amalgamating on tap for Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance

The decision comes after a review of the 20-year-old alliance agreement
St. Marys Memorial Hospital

The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) Board of Directors has unanimously agreed to start the process of amalgamating the four corporations of the HPHA.

Since 2003, the HPHA’s four hospitals - Clinton Public Hospital, St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Seaforth Community Hospital, and Stratford General Hospital - have effectively operated as an integrated organization, including a single board, administration and professional staff. The HPHA is also the single employer of the hospitals’ employees.

“This is an important and necessary step for the HPHA as we continue to provide the very best governance to our four hospital sites, and quality care to those we serve” said Board Chair Stephen Hearn. “The amalgamation will not affect our staff as they are already all employees of the HPHA, or the programs, services and staffing offered across our sites. It will also continue to ensure our four strong Foundations remain independent and raising funds vital for their own local hospital and healthcare priorities."

This decision is a result of a review of the 20-year-old alliance agreement.

Required updates were identified in order to align with the new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act that not-for-profit corporations must comply with by Oct. 19, 2024, and other applicable laws, such as health privacy laws.

The updates, combined with the HPHA’s current, integrated operating reality reinforced amalgamation as the most responsible step in today’s healthcare environment.

Moving forward with the process, interested members of the public will be provided various opportunities to understand the process and provide feedback and the organization is targeting April 1, 2024 as the effective date of the amalgamation to align with its fiscal year.